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Sunday, November 4, 2012

As much as you want to plan your life

there was a boy
having a
reltionship but
texting another  girl ..
the boy feeL in Love
w/ his textmate
then the boy decided to break up with his gf, he toLd his gf
"i Love you but now im inLove w/ someone eLse"
then d boy hurridLy went home & texted his txtmate
"i'm very excited to teLl you this..
i broke up with her coz i Love u so much"
& the girL replied
 "how can you say you Love me? when you aLready Left me".

As much as you want to plan your life ..
it has a way
of surprising you with
unxpected things that
will make you happier than you originaly planned ..
That's what you call


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